
United colours of Benetton

United colors of Benetton, is knowm for its contorversial advertising with the aim to show the social problems in the world. Yesterday, they launched a new campaign, called UNHATE. With this campaign, Benetton aimed to foster tolerance and 'global love'. On the right poster at the image, the pope is shown, kissing an senior Egyptian imam. The vatican announced that they think this photo is unrespectfull, and Benetton was forced to pull the image from the new campaign. As I allready said, Benetton is known for it's ads, so I decided to show some, that I think are really confronting and shocking, but that also make a statement.

United colors of Benetton is a fashion brand, but they use their reputation to make a statement. I think that's a good thing to do. Which one do you think is the most confronting of shocking?

Lots of love, Liselot

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