
La vie en rose, by Liselot

Welcome to my blog! In this first post, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is liselot. I’m a 17 year old highschool student, with a huge passion for fashion.
I’m in my final year now. During my last year it’s required that we make a paper about a subject, which suits you and your profile. I immediately knew, my subject was going to be related to fashion. I’m really interested and fascinated by fashion-blogs and the influence they’ve got, so I decided to investigate fashion-blogging for my paper. And this blog is the beginning. I’ve chosen the name ‘la vie en rose’ because I really like this sentence. In dutch it means ‘het leven door een roze bril zien’. Translating it in to English is a bit more difficult. It’s seeing life through pink glasses, wich means something like, seeing the bright things in life. And fashion is wonderful. Through fashion you can show your true personality and your own style, and I think, that’s what fashion is about, personal style. By using this blog, I want to show how much I love fashion as well as using the blog to investigate the influence of blogging on myself and others. As a newcomer in the blogging-business, I would love to receive comments, hints and tips.

I hope you will enjoy!

Lots of love, Liselot

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