
The list, second edition

It's been a month since I published the first edition of 'The list'.
I've bought a few things from my first list, so it's time for a new one!

Black vest with faux fur Dept 89,95 (in sales for 63)
Black pencil skirt Zara 27,95
Grey jacket Zara 69,95
Black wedges Nelly 47,50
Beige tanktop H&M 12,95
Jacquard pants Zara 29,95

Lots of love, Liselot

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh pencil skirt! Love it
    Heb je dit trouwens van Fasholista.com? want ik heb sommige spulletjes al eerder gezien.

  2. nee hoor! Dit is gewoon van mezelf :)
