
La classe de la danse

Yesterday, I've been to Swan Lake with my arts class. This famous ballet is about the story of prince Siegfried who falls in love with Odette, the white swan. He declares his love to her, but actually proposes to the wrong swan, Odile. The ballet was amazing and we really enjoyed the music, dance and costumes. Everybody was clapping when the swans came on stage the first time. They looked magical with their white tutus.

Looking at the theme tutus, I decided to look at ways people use tutus in their clothing. Because tutus are no longer just inspiration for classic ballet, but they're also used in fashion. At the collage above, you can see different ways people used the tutu. At the first picture, you can see a blogger who wears a tutu very casual with a grey shirt. At the second image, a famous painting of Degas is shown who especcialy painted ballerinas. It's called 'La classe de la danse'. At the third image, the white swan from Swan Lake is shown. This is the ballerina, we saw at the ballet yesterday. She wears a traditional tutu which makes her look like a swan, combined with the headpiece. At the middle you can see a special edition of 'Flowerbomb' by Viktor & Rolf. They used the theme ballet, and gave their limited edition bottle a tutu. The image next to the image is also from Viktor & Rolf. It's a piece from a very famous collection they made, in which they used a lot of tulle, where tutus are also made from. The last foto has been taken at Fashion Week by a streetstyle photographer. The material and shape of the skirt are inspired by the traditional tutu.

Below, a trailer of Swan Lake, I've been to yesterday. It gives a good impression of the magic of ballerinas in tutus!

Lots of love, Liselot

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